
Using page titles instead of names on the DNN breadcrumb skinobject

Simple, but useful. A fellow developer needed to use the page title (and not the page name which is the default) on the breadcrumb skinobject of his skin. The reason was that his menu had limited real estate so he had to keep names short, but he needed to give more information on the navigation breadcrumb.


The solution is just so simple! In your skin’s .ascx file, you’ll see a definition like the following:


<dnn:BREADCRUMB runat="server" id="dnnBREADCRUMB"  CssClass="Breadcrumb" RootLevel="0" Separator="&nbsp;>&nbsp;" />


If you add the following attribute:



You’ll have something like this:

<dnn:BREADCRUMB runat="server" id="dnnBREADCRUMB"  CssClass="Breadcrumb" RootLevel="0" Separator="&nbsp;>&nbsp;" UseTitle="True" />


And then your breadcrumb will be using page titles instead of names.




Quick snippet: Show first n characters of a string without cutting words in half with OWS

Just a quickie for those of you who use the free Open Web Studio DNN RAD environment: I needed to show only the first n characters of a string that I got via a query in OWS, but wanted to “stop” display at the end of a word, (that is, not being very strict on the n character limit).


If our field is, for example, called “description” and the character limit is, let’s say, 100, and we need to insert three dots (…) after the end of the string if it’s only part of the original, here’s the function (be sure to write it on a single line):


{IIF, "[FORMAT,"[description]", {LENGTH}]>100", "[FORMAT,"[description]", {LEFT:[FORMAT,"[FORMAT, "[description]", {LEFT:100}]",{LASTINDEXOF: }]}]...","[description]"}


Change the field name, the number of characters and the three dots at the end to whatever suits you.


Of course there are several ways to achieve that via your SQL query itself, but that’s a quick way to do it in OWS if you can’t modify the query (when you’re using a view that is used somewhere else, for example).





Free search/replace admin module from Engage Software

f3 This one is cute. It,s called Engage F3 and it lets you search and replace text in Text/Html and Engage Publish modules, site-wide. It’s intended for admin use only.


You can download it for free from Snowcovered.

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